The Tarpley Deception

A Look into the Fraudulent Career of Webster Griffin Tarpley


Like many 9/11 truth activists, I was startled and concerned in the late summer of 2007
when it was reported that several prominent peace leaders including Cindy Sheehan and Cynthia McKinney were endorsing a proclamation warning that Dick Cheney was preparing a new false flag attack on the American people. This document, called
The Kennebunkport Warning, claimed to be based on "massive new evidence" and to be of such great and obvious importance that it was bringing together peace and truth activists to rally around its alarm of impending doom. The news that Sheehan and McKinney (and a host of other luminaries) were basically accusing Cheney - in writing - of plotting this heinous deed spread across the internet like wildfire. And to those of us who had researched 9/11 for ourselves, this message actually seemed quite plausible - at least at first glance.

Webster Tarpley and Lyndon Larouche

One of the most disturbing aspects of Webster Tarpley's political career is his longtime association with the crypto-fascist cult of Lyndon Larouche. Many activists these days are unaware of Larouche's long and bizarre history on the fringes of extreme politics in America and Europe and this has been a benefit to Tarpley, who has been able to slip into a new movement and set up shop with no questions asked about his highly questionable past.

The story of the Larouche movement is a twisted tale of murder, kidnapping, brainwashing, thievery, far right ideology posing as far left idealism, ballot initiatives to set up internment camps for American citizens, militant youth groups trained in violence and a host of other assorted ugliness revolving around the madness of a man who would be a perennial presidential candidate but wanted nothing more than to be America's first true dictator.

And in the middle of all this was Webster Tarpley.

Tarpley was Lyndon Larouche's right hand man for years. He was Larouche's intelligence chief, he was the point man sent to set up the European branch of the Larouche movement, he served as president of Larouche's Schiller Institute and was the frequent host of Larouche's television show. When Larouche went to prison for fraud, Tarpley became the man in charge.

Naturally, Tarpley has downplayed his involvement in all this sordid business while trying to sell books and present himself as the grand historian and intellectual pundit of the truth movement. But some documentation remains and many a survivor of the Larouche movement will attest to the facts of Tarpley's involvement. Some even feel that his eventual expulsion from the fold was a ploy, a cover for Larouchean infiltration of the modern anti-war movement. Whatever the case,

Webster Tarpley and TV Fakery

Webster Tarpley was one of the earliest supporters of the thoroughly debunked hoax theory of "TV Fakery". In a radio broadcast from March 2006 he asserted that the "news film" from 9/11 had been altered and manipulated in order to deceive the masses and he encouraged his guest Nico Haupt to expound on this nascent crackpot theory. It was Tarpley's first radio broadcast following his FOX News appearance a few days earlier and the show most likely had a much larger audience than usual because of that - spreading far and wide the notion that those who question the government's account of 9/11 must be kooks who think that the videos were faked.

Webster Tarpley on FOX News

Webster Tarpley on FOX News

A Note on "The Obama Deception"

A message posted at regarding the prominence of Webster Tarpley in Alex Jones' film The Obama Deception.

Webster Tarpley and "WQ2RX"

Immediately following Tarpley's attacks on truth and peace activists in the summer of 2007 came a bizarre and nasty series of online attack videos that targeted the exact same activists as Tarpley and his cohorts had, but in a much more vicious and threatening manner.

Webster Tarpley and Jim Fetzer

Webster Tarpley and Jim Fetzer

Webster Tarpley Attacks

Webster Tarpley Attacks Cindy Sheehan

Is Cindy Sheehan - the woman who lost her son to the Iraq war, challenged George W. Bush for answers and inspired millions worldwide to stand up for peace - a "wretched individual"? According to Webster Griffin Tarpley she is.

Webster Tarpley and Nico Haupt

Webster Tarpley and Nico Haupt

The Meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley

Synthetic Error: The Meltdown of Webster G. Tarpley

Who is Lyndon Larouche?

Who is Lyndon Larouche?

I'm a part-time investigative journalist and a full-time single mother of two young boys. I'm an activist for 9/11 truth, monetary reform and clean air, water and food. I made this blog because I think the world has enough problems without false flag friends leading us astray. I hope it helps.